Build a Stronger, High Quality Patent Portfolio

IPVision illustrates the big picture and helps you drill-down into the details when desired. This ability to adjust your perspectives and focus enables firms to shift from reactive to proactive portfolio development strategies. Proven techniques clearly illustrate the value of your intellectual property and where gaps or quality issues may exist. Combined with the ability to put your portfolio into perspective with competitors and new entrants – strategic opportunities and insights emerge.

IPVision screening and due diligences enables informed targeting and due diligence of potential acquisitions. By clearly communicating how portfolios complement or overlap you will unlock hidden value and strengthen your portfolio position.

IPVision shows the significance of each of your positions allowing you to build patenting and value-generation strategies.

Whether build, buy or license, IPVision’s analytics support alternative outcome analysis capabilities providing an understanding of the intellectual property landscape, which has changed and will continue to change over time.

With today's rapidly changing business landscape, traditional portfolio analysis is out dated before written. You need evolving, iterative knowledge. IPVision's analytics platform and projects work quickly and provide repeatable, consistent results.

When a new opportunity presents itself, IPVision responds quickly, putting you into decision making mode and backing those decisions with evidence and insights.