Understanding and Reading Patent Maps

IPVision Patent Maps show the relationships among patents in an intuitive visual manner, providing both the big picture and detail of the patents, innovations, companies and inventors in a technology space.

Primary Types of IPVision Patent Maps:

Single Patent Landscape Maps
Multi-patent Landscape Maps
Interconnection Maps
Patent Family Maps

Guide to Reading IPVision Patent Maps

Patents are shown as boxes arranged in time on the horizontal axis starting with the oldest on the left. The left edge of each Patent Box is the Patent Issue Date. The blue "tail" on each Patent Box shows the Patent Application Filing Date. The lines connecting the Patent Boxes are the patent citation references- i.e. the patent to the right (forward in time) cites the patent to the left (backward in time) as Prior Art. The number of Forward Citations and Backward Citations for a given patent is displayed in the parenthesis in the Patent Box for that patent.  "Right Click" on a patent box on an interactive version of a map to access underlying text, info etc.

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