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Patent Strategy: Bolster Your Patent Position Prior to IPO

Last week peHUBwire reported on the biggest U.S. IPO of the year, digital whiteboard maker Smart Technologies Inc (SMT).  The Calgary, Alberta-based company sold 38.83 million shares for $17 each raising about $660.11 million.   Pre-IPO shareholders include funds associated with Apax Partners, chipmaker Intel Corp and IFF Holdings Inc.

Written by Alex Butler

Bilski - Patent Claims Analysis - Where to start

Patent claims analysis is now in focus issuance of the Bilski opinion by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Looking back a few years, few business executives would think that "patent claims" would be an issue that they read about in the popular press. Thanks to business method patents, the Bilkski case and the ongoing software patent debate, this issue is now front and center as a question for corporate patent counsel.

Unfortunately, few know where to begin planning their reaction to questions about the impact (if any) of this decision and others certain to follow.

Written by Alex Butler

Patents in Security Field - From Technology Review & IPVision

UPDATE: $7.7 Billion Update to Patent Perspectives Report (Intel Acquires McAfee)

MIT's Technology Review's July - August issue includes anin-depth briefing on information security. In working with Technology Review, we assessed over 20 companies identified by Technology Review's editors across a spectrum of activities to support this briefing and to provide a supplemental report on key patent drivers and on patent positions in the industry. 

Written by Alex Butler

Patent Litigation Drives VirnetX Stock

Fresh from a post about the 9-digit VirnetX Microsoft patent litigation settlement by IPVision executive and Sloan School of Management faculty member Joe Hadzima, VirnetX announced that they are moving from microcap status to inclusion in the broader Russell 3000 index. In addition, VirnetX is issuing a special dividend of $.50 per share for shareholders of record on July 1.

Written by Alex Butler

What does (should) Patent Landscape Analysis Mean to Business Leaders?

The phrase "patent landscape" has become quite popular amongst the patent specialists and patent expert set. Their gravitation to the term is well-founded given the importance of IP rights to corporate success.

Carolyn Bertozzi - 2010 Winner of the $500,000 Lemelson-MIT Prize


The Lemelson-MIT Awards Committee today announced that Carolyn Bertozzi of the UC-Berkeley Department of Chemistry is the 2010 Winner of the $500,000 Lemelson-MIT Prize.  

According to The Lemelson-MIT Program the Prize "recognizes individuals who translate their ideas into inventions and innovations that improve the world in which we live....Dubbed the "Oscar for Inventors," the Lemelson-MIT Prize is awarded to outstanding mid-career inventors, who have developed a patented product or process of significant value to society, which has been adopted for practical use, or has a high probability of being adopted."

Professor Bertozzi's group "studies cell surface interactions that contribute to human health and disease with specific projects in the areas of cancer, inflammation and bacterial infection. We use the techniques of organic synthesis, genetics and biochemistry as tools to study and manipulate complex cellular processes."

Written by Alex Butler

Patent Analytics in Corporate Strategy: A Valuable Lens & Perspective

As companies continue to face pressures to maintain (or revitalize) growth rates, a common tactic is to reassess their market focus and seek entry into new markets.  

Whether this growth is organic R&D (build), open innovation (build and buy), or acquisition, including the business perspective of patents and IP rights provides an important strategic lens. The value of this lens is greatest when incorporated early into the process to help guide understandings of a market's dynamics.

First, let's outline the traditional role of IP in the acquisition process of many multi-billion dollar companies: (we will discuss other processes separately)

  • We are looking at buying firm X to help establish our next high growth market
  • They are a market leader with key customers and strong cash flow
  • Does the firm have IP? (Yes, great, let's verify that the fees were paid -- maybe we can get our attorneys to help us review the patents at the last minute too)
Written by Alex Butler

Patent Risk Management and Controlling Patent Litigation Costs

Patent risk profiles of corporations have dramatically shifted given two recent patent litigation dynamics:

  1. The rise of patent trolls or NPE's (non-practicing entities)
  2. The decline of patent infringement 'notice' letters replaced by direct filing of patent complaints 

The first dynamic is economic and includes a range of strategic and financial investors, including for example the well-known Intellectual Ventures, and others such as Juridica and Altititude Capital. These investors and an increasing number of firms see opportunities in the exclusionary rights provided by patents to obtain high-risk / high-reward economic returns.

The second dynamic is legal - driven by court decisions that incent patent plaintiffs to file first and negotiate second (the reverse of historical tendencies). 

Written by Alexander Butler

Patent Quality and Patent Context vs. "Patent Value"

During this week's Licensing Executive's Society Spring Meeting in Boston, several interesting dynamics are appearing.

Most interesting was the growing willingness of participants to discuss the past few years' "IP bubble" and the recent focus on patents' dollar value calculations and patent valuation.

In a range of discussions from university technology transfer directors to patent attorneys and technology company executives, we appear to be returning to a focus on fundamental components of patent value:

  • Understanding the importance of the technology
  • Focusing upon the quality of the legal protection
  •  And, figuring out the proper or best commercialization strategies