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January 2021 Patent News: Starting the Year Off Right

The year 2020 was a bust for a lot of people, but for many in technology advancement, it was a busy year. Patents to make the world safer moved quickly, but the thinkers kept going on from there. The result? Advancements in 5G, electronic charging, and smartphone design. See what else is coming in 2021.

What Happens When a Patent Application Cites Incorrect Prior Art?

Generally, reporting patent news is interesting for the technology and business aspects. On occasion, however, we run into headscratchers—those little inconsistencies that make you go “hmmm…”

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Penny Wise and Pound Foolish Part Four: Patent Trolls

We’ve spent a lot of time discussing the many reasons that quality is more important than quantity, outlining various tactics corporations have used to plump their patent portfolios. The many ways that companies may have harmed their patent strategy through mass filings or purchases are varied—but it does beg the question: Is it ever a good thing to file applications for or acquire large numbers of patents?

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Maybe You Misunderstand: Patents Should Drive Innovation, Not Block It

Once upon a time, the US patent system was created to share advances in technology so that others might learn from what’s available and improve upon it. The protection the patent system offered to the original inventor was meant to serve as an incentive to share that technology with the rest of the world.

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