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The Big Difference Between IPVision and Other Innovation Consulting Firms

innovation consulting

To be honest, the differences between IPVision and other innovation consulting firms are too numerous to boil down to one simple idea. In a nutshell, when you work with IPVision, you’ll work with the guys who wrote the book on innovation—not those who studied that book.

Of course, the book we’re talking about here is metaphorical, for now. What we mean is that IPVision was founded by two of the biggest names in innovation in the world.  As an MIT professor, Dr. Hoo-Min Toong was a chief consultant to IBM on the development of the IBM PC AT, the first serious personal computer for business. In addition to this incredible contribution to humanity, Dr. Toong also holds several software interconnection, data organization, and visualization patents.

And Joseph Hadzima, the second co-founder, is currently a senior lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management. He’s also the founding judge for MIT’s $100K Entrepreneurship Competition and has been recognized as one of the world’s top 200 strategists by Intellectual Asset Magazine.

See? These guys may not have literally written the book on innovation strategy, but that’s only because they were too busy actually innovating and strategizing!

Imagine Your New Team

Now, we know you have a choice when it comes to receiving a technology landscape. There are several quite affordable options out there, all of whom offer similarly detailed information. To make it easy for you, we also offer a technology landscape for a similar price, but that’s not actually what you want, is it?

What you really want is to have people on your own team who have the experience, education, and instincts that Hoo-Min and Joe have, right? Well, that’s what also sets IPVision apart from other firms. When you engage our consulting services, you get so much more than just a patent landscape. You get guidance on where to go, what to do, and how to innovate next—all from your very own patent analysis and innovation team from IPVision.

How We Work

The attention received isn’t the only difference that sets us apart. The way we work is also different. See, we think the patent landscape you receive is just the first time you should check the IP involved in your innovation plans. In fact, we keep our eye on the intellectual property within your space on a regular basis throughout the process. This means you won’t get any nasty surprises as you’re finishing up production on your latest product, only to find that someone else jumped in there with a patent before you could secure your creation.

It has happened before, and it’s heartbreaking. We want to be there from the beginning to walk with you through the entire process from beginning to end to keep that from happening. But we don’t just keep you updated on the patents involved. We also help you make those crucial decisions that you face at each step of the way.

Should you make or buy? What do the customers really want? Where is the white space within this particular industry? What are the company’s core competencies? How does this particular innovation fit with our company’s overall mission? Should I make this technology or acquire it? Is this whole portfolio worth acquiring? How can I monetize the patents we aren’t currently using?

These are all questions you can’t ask a simple patent analysis firm. These are the questions you can only ask the people on your team. And that could be us.

Regardless of where you are in your innovation efforts, we’re here for you. Whether you’re currently on top and hoping to stay there or you’ve recently been disrupted by an outlier and want to regain your piece of the market share, IPVision’s services are exactly what you need. Ready to find out for yourself?

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Categories: IP Innovation