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Why I Hate the Phrase "Technology Landscape"

dreamstime_xs_38957096-resized-600.jpgA wise man once said that “language gets in the way of communication”. In my experience the lexicon of “technology landscape” aka “patent technology landscape” gets in the way of making strategic...Read more

Technology Landscapes and Patent Monetization

patent_money-resized-600.jpgThis is the second in a series of posts about Technology Landscapes aka Patent Landscapes. In the first post “Why I Hate the Phrase ‘Technology Landscape’”. I point out that the phrase “Technology Landscape” is used...Read more

Technology Landscapes: Emerging Company Growth Strategy

ipstrategy_nolightbulb-resized-600.pngThis is the third in a series of posts about Technology Landscapes aka Patent Landscapes. In the first post “"Why I Hate the Phrase ‘Technology Landscape’” I note that the phrase “technology landscape” means...Read more

Technology Landscapes: Corporate Venture Group: Deal Scouting

SearchforMarket-resized-600.jpgThis is the fourth in a series of articles about Technology Landscapes aka Patent Landscapes. In the first post “Why I Hate the Phrase ‘Technology Landscape’” we note that the phrase “technology landscape” means...Read more

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